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Blog #4 : "The Magic Box"

What I did:

I am filming a short film, "The Magic Box" (title not fixed).

This was inspired by my box that I received as a present when I was in elementary, full of adventure and excitement.

Initially, I was trying to make a film, based on the philosophical book "Candide".

Although the book gave some insights, I could not picture a good film "I" really wanted to make.

I did come up with some ideas, but like last time, which was what I did with poetry, I tried to match up the story based on "Candide", which limited my perspective.

I set my due date to write a script till Wednesday.

As I was working on my storyboard, I couldn't really come up with a good idea.

I thought of a second-choice storyboard I can draw and write about.

That way, I could think more freely out of box.

This story eventually came up as my first project, "The Magic Box"

I discussed with my partner Ashley, about the film for about an hour.

We talked about it by calling, discussing during free-time.

Whenever we talked about the details for the scenes, we got really excited.

On April 26th, Ashley brought her video camera.

After the play practice ended,

Ashley and I filmed the first part of the film.

Since the film contains school as well, Ashley took a video of me while walking down from school to home.

I acted as the main character for the film,

I showed Ashley the settings around our school village where I would like to film.

I told her and showed her my purpose of the scenes, and she added several suggestions of how that scene could be better made.

Ashley had experience with filming before (filming a music video of our classmates)

As she filmed me, she gave me encouragement and instructions.

She took at least 4 videos of the same scene.

I asked Amy Kim in 10th grade to be Goldy.

She thankfully accepted it and we will film Amy's part on April 28th.

prop! for the film :)


I ran to the theatre this Saturday to watch "Beauty and the Beast"

Watching a film was like an escape from reality to entering Eldorado.

But as I watched the movie, all I could see was how beautiful the images were,

and did not like I was inside the movie (like when I was in elementary).

I don't think it's not just "Beauty and the Beast" that can't get me inside the film.

That is why I feel this huge void inside of me..

I wanted to fill it up with a fantasy I can really get into.

And while making this film, I was excited that something strange apart from our daily life could happen.

Before I started this project with Ashley,

I thought this project will be all about me,

and every bits of the scenes are my conscience filling up MY void.

When we see films, we don't only see the wide picture, but the filming itself has a lot of details in it.

But filming is not only showing my viewpoint, but an accurate viewpoint.

Therefore, when I saw Ashley's perfectionism to film at least 4 scenes,

I realized how unprepared I am in situations that I am not used to.

I was just disorderly following how I felt like, only focusing on MY emotions.

This is not I learned through filming.

Filming is exciting, but filming is fun not only when the camera is on, but when it's off.

The process of discussion with Ashley and then making a video that matches our viewpoints and cheering each other was really satisfying.

All that I'm learning this is from my awesome friend, Ashley.

So far, I face satisfaction and happiness than challenges as I work through the process of making a scene.

But I do feel like I need to study more techniques through YouTube, now that I am confident with the storyline. Because I can't rely too much on Ashley, just because she already knows the basics of filming.

So I am also trying a bit of tryouts by making the "20% time of 10th Grade" video.

I made it as a trailer, and this is just to do a lot of tryouts. Since it's a short video, I almost have everyone, except I am missing few people (hannah, Sunwoo, and Sunju) working on theirs.

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