Week #6: End of February
What I did:
- During the week I played at school (not at home)
-I learned how to play "I'm Yours" from Siyong on Monday. I worked on this song from last week.
I asked for Siyong's help because my guitar sounded strange. It turned out I was playing 2 chords wrong out of four.The chords seem pretty simple (G-D-Em-C) But I still take time to switch the chords
-I practiced during homeroom and Seungvin helped me
-During the weekends I could not practice because I accidentally left my guitar in school
-But I practiced by having an invisible guitar, getting used to the song "I'm Yours" since I don't really know this song except for the chorus
- Also, I am planning to sing along while I play, so I made my own lyric (very random)
- The lyric is about "Green-Tea". I think food represents a memorable time. For February, I ate a lot of green-tea flavored food. Green-tea, green-tea flavored jam, and so on. I was addicted to it. Green tea made me happy. I didn't plan to make a lyric like this but I randomly came up with this while matching with the rhythms of the song. I only worked on the first part.

LYRICS (by Sunny Bae)
Well, it is cold now, but spring coming
I tried to buy boots, but I bet it is worthless
I charge my camera
To take some pictures
Before the tests come up
I’ll be planning my breakfast
And nothing’s gonna stop me but
Washing dishes
I wreck some eggs and mix them all
To make some egg rolls
But I won’t eat green-tea flavored foods
No more of this addiction
Well I should try some cinnamon instead
I should swallow vitamins instead
But look into the green and your like
Wow wow wow wow wow
Listen to the music of the
Flavors dance and sing
They’re just one big family
Sweet and bitter holding hands
love love love love
So I won’t deny my love toward green tea
But I’m sure I should stop
There’s no need to complicate
my time is short
this is my fate, green tea
I did not cram this week.
This week was comparatively relaxing than other weeks
so I cannot say that I overcame my weak strategy of
playing guitar during stiff schedules full of tests and projects.
But next week, according to my calendar, seems pretty harsh
I'll get to come up with a strategy, I hope.
This week, I played guitar mostly at school
I played during homeroom. I was excited to play than any other days.
I guess it's because I was not learning new chords and strumming patterns,
but I came up with a goal to play a song, "I'm Yours"
Having a song to play and trying to master it helped me to get motivated.
I think one reason I was getting to take this project as a "Task" or learning
was because my major goal depended on "How many videos I watched and learned"
What I learn is important, not how many I learned.
Well, I was going to film my practices during the weekends
but it seems like I left my guitar at school, because I cannot find where it is
How disorganized and chaotic I am these days.