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Week #3: Accomplishing "10 Day Guitar Starter Course"

Not all videos are clipped. This is just the taste of how I play.

The days refer to the lesson name, not the days I played.

Here’s what I did

**The green texts are the title of the lesson I took, red texts are the new chords I learned**

<26/ Jan/ Thursday>

Day 1 - E & A Chords and 'For What It's Worth' by Buffalo Springfield

* E major

*A major

<27/ Jan/ Friday>

miss (reason: Seolal, I went to my grandmas)

<28/Jan/ Saturday>

miss (reason :same as above)

<29/ Jan/ Sunday>

Day 2 - D Chord, A to D change and 'Born In The USA' by Bruce Springsteen

* D major

<30/ Jan/ Monday>

Day 3 - 8th strumming and 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley with just the chords E, A and D

Reggae off beat Strumming pattern-Not yet mastered

<31/Jan/ Tuesday>

Day 4 - You're first guitar riff! 'Wild Thing' by The Troggs

A 'riff' is something we can play on guitar that is short, repetitive and recognisable as a particular song.

<1/ Feb/ Wednesday>

Day 5 - Folk Strumming and Lead Guitar for 'Ooh La Laa' by The Faces

<2/Feb/ Thursday>

Day 6 - Fingerstyle introduction, minor chords and 'Ain't No Sunshine' by Bill Withers

* E minor

* A minor

* D minor

Seungbin(10th grade) taught me how to play G chord and adjusted my way of how to strum the strings with a certain beat.

<3/ Feb/ Friday>

missed (reason: um..)

<4/ Feb/ Saturday>

Day 7 - Key of G '4 Chord Songs' and 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz

Day 8 - G Major Scale and 'The Joker' by Steve Miller Band

*Dsus4 Chord

*Cadd9 Chord

*G major Chord

*E Minor 7 Chord

* G major scale

<5/ Feb/ Sunday>

Day 9 - Full C chord and 'Hey Ya' by Outkast

Day 10 - 10 Day Guitar Starter Course


My plan was very hard to keep. I spent whole lot of my weekend, finnishing up the goal I made for this week. I’ve been too rushing about the plan I made.

My plan was to learn the 10 videos from the begginner’s course

, to master all of the 10 videos since it is only 10 minutes long.

Although I feel like I learned a lot than any other time, I think I can't do it like this unless I have less homeowork, like this weekend. Not only because of the time problem but also because I needed a separate time to practice by myself.

I was a bit frustrated. My ambition and fingers did not align with each other. I figured that I had to slow down. The purpose of my project was not only to learn guitar, but to enjoy it.

I figured that picking a song isn’t the main part I should be working on. Every time I learn a new chord, based on that chord, Andy (my source) introduced a song.

It’s much easier because the chords Andy taught were easy to switch because they were around the similar strings.

Doing the guitar for 20% project gave me a time to think back at my daily habit. I had to set my schedule tightly. I usually don’t set the time for when I am going to finnish my homework. My goal was just to finnish it till the next day. This caused me to sleep late because I would do other things (such as doing internet) while doing my homework This delays my work time. I honestly spend my time as if I have loads of time, which is totally not true.

But, for this project, if I delayed it a little bit late, I couldn’t do it because I can’t play the instrument in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. So I couldn’t push my work till the end. If I did, I would have to miss it.

I will have to be more strict for my next week.

But, on the other hand, I am very proud for being able to stroke the sings based on a song. If it weren’t for the project, it would have been hard to continue m

My next Goal...

Based on what I learned for this week, I will ask help for Ashley or SiYong about "Folk Strumming" (Day 5 lesson).

Working on "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz was my next week's goal. Eventually, I got to learn it this week. But I will practice this song till I master it.

I haven't mastered the lessons from 5 to 10. So I am not posting the videos of that part. I won't be repeating the unmastered ones. Instead, I'm going to the Beginner course video (which contains 55 videos).

I am going to work on it consistently every day, without procrastinating!

I am going to learn from Siyong, Guitarholic ( tomorrow during lunch! I am very excited.

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